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Acupuncture Clinic Reopening Guidelines
Very good news! From June 4th, I can see you again at the clinic regardless of your reason of consultation. You can finally receive the care you’ve been waiting for.
Of course, together we will follow the new procedures and the strictest hygiene and aseptic rules, according to the standards of the INSPQ and the OAQ. Thanks to these new rules and the advantage of having direct ventilation to the outside for each treatment booth, you and I will be much safer from the virus than in most businesses.
Here is an overview:
Responsibility of the acupuncturist
- To call you the day before your appointment: health questionnaire related to COVID-19 and discussion on your reason for consulting.
- To provide disinfectant hand gel.
- Hand washing just before contact with the patient.
- Wear a procedure mask, lab coat and protective goggles / visor.
- Space each appointment of 15 min to:
- avoid that customers cross paths
- time of virucidal disinfection of surfaces
- direct from outdoor ventilation of the room
- Limit conversations to optimize your treatment time and your security.
Patient’s responsibility:
- Cancel your appointment if symptoms or contact with a case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
- Not to be accompanied if possible. Entrance by Robert-Bourassa.
- Arrive at the exact time of the appointment, not in advance, to avoid crossovers between patients and allow time for disinfection.
- Wearing a mask or face cover is compulsory at all times, from entrance to exit of the building.
- Turn off and put away the cell phone before arriving at the clinic.
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds when arriving and leaving the clinic.
- Respect the physical distance of 2 meters as much as possible.
- Avoid sitting and touching surfaces (the water jar with individual glass is still available).
- Make your payment by contactless debit or Interac transfer before the meeting at info@nancymongrain.com password « acu ».
Thank you for your trust and precious collaboration.
And I look forward to serving you!
Nancy Mongrain Ac.