Accueil » Biography
Nancy Mongrain, Ac.
Member of the Ordre des Acupuncteurs du Québec (Quebec Acupuncturist Corporation) and of the Association des Acupuncteurs du Québec (Quebec Acupuncturist Association) since 2008. I cumulated 14 years of full time clinic experience.
The path that led me to choose acupuncture as a career started when I was working abroad, where I met different people of many cultures and always wished to create meaningful relationships. At the same time, my vivid interest for alternative health care, helping relation and personal growth drove me to experience myself the major health benefits of acupuncture. A trip to China in 2003 strongly contributed to the reorientation of my career in my mid-thirties. Since, I practice acupuncture with passion and to share those health benefits with my patients rekindles that pleasure every day.
Acupuncture being a medicine that focuses on balance, my clinical approach reflects that in my constant efforts to harmonize the many ancestral concepts with the preoccupations and troubles of the modern life. My work is both thorough and intuitive, at the service of your well-being.
As an acupuncturist and as a front-line health worker, my role is to offer you complete and personalized health services, to sit down with you and listen and to help you find the causes of your health problems and attain your objectives in terms of quality of life.
My goal is, with my devotion, and after obtaining concrete clinical results, to give back quality of life to those who are suffering and to prove on a daily basis that acupuncture is an efficient alternative.
Nancy Mongrain is member :

Values & Interests
Chinese medicine is my passion. These values and interests are the basis of my work :
- Empathy, respect and confidentiality, which are key in helping relation.
- Professionalism, continuing education and a drive for research, which allow me to have quite a full “toolbox”.
- Competence to use the most appropriate therapy in a safe and aseptic way.
- Openness to collaborate with other health professionals and to recognize the limits to acupuncture.
- Because each person is unique, the treatment must be personalized.
- Putting a band-aid on a wound is not a logical solution and it will not give your body back its strength and vitality to fight stress and illnesses.
- Keeping some time for a few appointments is a commitment to yourself, for lasting physical and psychological well-being.
- Prevention is your best investment: consulting at the first symptoms will spare you the inconveniences and can reduce the number of treatments that you will need.
- Thinking about it will not always allow you to let yourself go! When your body’s blocks are stronger, addressing it directly might help free your mind!
Our body has great adaptation capacity and self-balancing functions (homéostasis), but we seldom use it and do not believe in it much, because it is not much part of our education, if at all.
Experience & Training
Since 2008, I have been practising acupuncture full-time and I have had the pleasure of helping thousands of patients.
- Nancy Mongrain Acupuncture Outremont , private clinic part of ESPACE 212 from 2022
- Acupuncture Nancy Mongrain, private clinic in downtown Montreal from 2008 to 2022.
- Centre Médical Intégré, Saint-Laurent in 2010-11. Team work with doctors, occupational therapy and physical therapists. More than 1800 treatments delivered to those injured while at work or on the road (CSST, SAAQ).
- Replacement in private clinic of acupuncturists and College Rosemont’s teachers, Mrs. Alice Granger and Mrs. Monique Comtois, 2008. 2008
- Clinical assistant to Karin Robinette, Ac., 2008. 2008
Professionnal education :
- 3-year technique in acupuncture program at Collège de Rosemont (certified by the Ordre des Acupuncteurs du Québec). Includes occidental pathology, first aid and CPR, third year at school clinic, 2005-2008. 2005-2008
Books and references:
- Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Pregnancy Author: Debra Betts L.Ac.
- Acupuncture en Obstétrique Auteure: Dr. Augusta Guiraud-Sobral
- Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth. Author:Zita West
- The Fertility Cure Author: Randine Lewis L.Ac.
Continuing education Accredited by OAQ :
- Insomnia: TCM Experts Share their Unique Strategies for Treating Insomnia with Hamid D. Montakab, Jonathan Shubs, Lorie Dechar, Sharon Weizenbaum, Yvonne Farrell 2023
with Hamid D. Montakab, Jonathan Shubs, Lorie Dechar, Sharon Weizenbaum, Yvonne Farrell 2023
- J.Yuen Teachings & Use 8 Wonderful Vessels for Emotional & Constitutional Disorders with Avi Magidoff, 2022
- Dealing with Shen through the body – treatment protocols for anxiety, stress, nervous system disorders with Avi Magidoff, 2022
- Infertility: acupuncture to support infertile couples with Edith Charbonneau. Accredited by OAQ.2021
- Dr Tan/Global Balance, Meridian approach, by Frédéric Bourges, (Collège Rosemont), 2021
- Fertility and prevention of miscarriage by Jake Fratkin OMD, L.Ac. 2017 2017
- Integrative Fertility Symposium 2016. 50hrs of online conferences. https://ifsymposium.com/ https://ifsymposium.com/
- “Dr. Mussat’s Energetics of the Living Systems Applied to Acupuncture” by Lise Tousignant Ac. 2016-17 2016-17
- Safely Treating Conditions in Early Pregnancy, by Sarah Budd, (Acupuncture Professionnals), 2015-16
- Safely Treating Conditions In Later Stages of Pregnancy, by Sarah Budd, (Acupuncture Professionnals), 2015-16
- Safely Using Acupuncture In The Final Stages of Pregnancy, by Sarah Budd, (Acupuncture Professionnals) 2015-16
- Using Acupressure in Pregnancy, by Sarah Budd, (Acupuncture Professionnals) 2015-16
- Obstetric Complications in Pregnancy The Red Flags for Acupuncturists, by Sarah Budd, (ProD seminars), 2015-16
- Obstetric “Acupuncture: from pregnancy test to post-partum” by Jean Levesque Ac. 2014. 2014
- “Quand les produits naturels et les médicaments ne font pas bon ménage” by pharmacologist Jean-Louis-Brazier http://pilule.telequebec.tv/rubrique.aspx?id=20 2013 .
- ” Master Tung’s Extraordinary Acupuncture System ” by Michael Chung, 2012.
- « 70 Essentials Formulas » by Dr. J Jake Paul Fratkin, OMD, L.Ac http://drjakefratkin.com/
- « Herb Toxicityand Drug-Herb Interactions with Chinese Medicine » by Bob Flaws. 2012
- Seminar: The Shén and pain, our patients’ and ours. Association des Acupuncteurs du Québec, 2010. 2010
- Neurophysiology of pain, musculoskeletal pain, myofascial problems and trigger points. 96 hrs. 2009
- “Introduction to problems related to ethic, rules of professional conduct and record keeping”, OAQ, May 2009. May 2009
- Face-lift acupuncture / Cosmetic acupuncture, by Monique Maranda, Ac., 2009. 2009
- Seminar: Allergic rhinitis, Association des Acupuncteurs du Québec, 2008. 2008
- Introduction and LASER protocols, E. Francoeur, Collège de Rosemont, 2008. 2008
- Seminar: Depression, Association des Acupuncteurs du Québec, 2007. 2007
- Seminar: Japanese acupuncture with Kiiko Matsumoto, 2006. 2006