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Laser Acupuncture
How Laser Works
Besides practicing traditional acupuncture, I use Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), also called “cold laser”. Used in acupuncture for more than 30 years and gaining popularity, the laser works as a replacement or as a complement to the needles. This therapeutic choice is perfect for people who are scared of needles or in a weakened state, children, babies, and cases of acute traumatic wounds, when the insertion of needles in the body is countraindicated.
Main indications
- Rheumatology, arthritis, tendinitis and other “itis” diseases, carpal tunnel.
- Plantar fasciitis, Lenoir’s facet
- Sports-acquired pathologies or trauma, inflammation, whiplash, bone fracture
- Dermatology: scarring, burns, eczema, herpes, etc.
- Tinnitus, otitis
- Lifting acupunctural
- • Most pathologies treated by stimulating acupuncture points (see Conditions Treated)
- Contraindications: pregnancy; cancer; heart diseases; epilepsy.
- Precautions : dark hair, melanomas, tattoos, dark hair
- Increases metabolic activity by stimulating adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which gives cells the energy needed for chemical reactions
- Anti-inflammatory action reduces swelling and pain caused by tissue and joint inflammation thus allowing for movement and reducing the need to apply ice as soon as possible
- Anti-pain function applied on known acupuncture points in order to activate releasing of endorphins and enkephalin
- Local muscular relaxation function; loosens trigger points loosens trigger points
- Increases cicatrization speed, stimulates development of fibroblasts and accelerates synthesis of collagen in damaged tissue while avoiding formation of fibrous scar tissue
- Tissue repair: causes increase of blood flow towards affected zones.
Sources: Études scientifique sur laser.nu Center for cooperative medecine
Références laser
Device : POWERLASER™ PL500 Classic (MkIII): 500 mW, 808 nm – Laser type: GaAlAs – Frequencies: 5, 15, 50 Hz and Continuous wave.
Links :
- Scientific research library : http://cooperativemedicine.com/laser_library.html
- PUBMED: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/pmc http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=pubmed&cmd=DetailsSearch&term=laser+lllt
- LASER medical society of Sweden : http://www.laser.nu/lllt/therapylink.htm
Nancy Mongrain, Ac. 2012