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The waiting list: the solution for a better accessibility.
Dear patient,
Go Rendez-vous sure helps us save a lot of precious time. Taking, changing or cancelling an appointment has become incredibly easy and fast.
It has, however, occasioned a few drawbacks. For example, schedule modifications happen more frequently now that patients do not need to call to cancel or change their appointment. In any case, my goal remains the same: for each patient to be able to book an appointment as fast as possible C’est ici qu’entre en jeu la fameuse liste d’attente.
Here is how it works: if you cannot find a time slot online, book an appointment at another time as a plan B. Next, at the bottom of the page, click on the “Get on the waiting list” button. On the next page, indicate your availability for the days leading to your plan B appointment.
NOTE: My office hours are Wednesday through Friday from 10 am to 7 pm, and Saturday from 9 am to 14 pm, unless otherwise specified. If you select a few time slots on several days, your chances to get an appointment (due to a cancellation) are excellent. However, if your only availability is, for example, from 5 to 6 pm on Wednesday, the odds will not be in your favour, but still not nil.
Since the waiting list only allows you to choose one time slot per day, you cannot pick both the lunchtime andlate afternoon slots for the same given day. Should this happen, do not hesitate to email me: I have access to advanced features that will allow me to do it for you.
Also, I suggest you check my schedule periodically within the 48 hours leading up to the day of a desired appointment.
You will often find a time slot that suits your needs. Should you be in an urgent need for a treatment (because of an injury or due to a crisis), you can always call me.
Please note that my priority will always be the patients who are booking follow-up treatments, in order to build on our already-established therapeutic link. Continued treatments give the best results. I always aim for you to be able to book an appointment within a reasonable period.
In addition, I am trying prioritize new patients that are your referrals. Make sure they mention your name when booking their first appointment.
I wish this information will make the appointment-booking process even better.
As always, your comments are welcome!
Nancy Mongrain Ac.