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Treatments for post-COVID-19 symptoms
If you have had COVID-19 and are still experiencing some of the symptoms below weeks or months later, acupuncture can help you get back on your feet, regain your vitality, activate your defences, expel residual pathogens, soothe your post-traumatic anxiety and boost your morale.
- Persistent fatigue
- Weak muscles and joint pain
- Shortness of breath at the slightest effort
- Loss of smell/taste
- Anxiety, depression, insomnia
- Vascular and neurological symptoms
- etc. (you will find a non-exhaustive list in this report from MayoClinic (https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-long-term-effects/art-20490351), and CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects.html) )
Depending on your situation, I will adapt my approach and treatments. However, please note that I do not treat patients while they are still contagious, but only after they have received their negative test(s).
Post-viral sequelae is a topic of interest to me, having myself experienced chronic fatigue after suffering from mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus) as a teenager. Acupuncture helped me get back on my feet, years before I became an acupuncturist myself.
This phenomenon has been known by Chinese medicine for millennia as an “external pathogenic factor”, i.e. a virus or a bacteria which entered the body through the respiratory/digestive system and was eventually defeated, but only partially expelled. The result is a “residual internal pathogenic factor” that can impact your health on an ongoing basis or be reactivated when your immune system is weak, or in times of stress, as do Epstein-Barr (mononucleosis), chickenpox (shingles) and herpes simplex (labial or genital herpes) viruses.
Acupuncture can also be part of a larger health regimen should you also need the help of a therapist and/or a physiotherapist. If you think you are suffering from the “long COVID”, I can gladly treat it, give you advice and point you to the best resources available. These services are still mostly unknown to the public and you are my best emissaries, so spread the word!
To learn more, don’t hesitate to contact me. I know this topic quite well and have your relief and recovery at heart. To learn more, don’t hesitate to contact me. I know this topic quite well and have your relief and recovery at heart.
Take your health in your own (clean) hands!
Written by : Nancy Mongrain Ac 514-947-6565
February 2021
Please note that additional safety measures have been put in place to lower the risk of transmitting COVID-19 variants. In addition, you need not worry about going past curfew, since acupuncture is an essential service (you will depart from the clinic with your receipt and a note to that effect).